LI Home
Dryer vent cleaning
Safety Inspection
At LI Home, Glen Cove Dryer Vent Cleaning, we take safety seriously when it comes to dryer vents and your family’s safety. We will inspect your dryer vent system, inside your dryer, through the rear vent, through the hose and to the house vent to ensure that it is in top working condition.
One loose hose, one loose clamp and put your entire system in jeopardy. When your dryer expels the hot air it also expels lint. If a hose is disconnected or damaged in anyway, say with a cut or a tear, it could allow the lint to escape into your home, instead of to the outside as it is intended. When this happens it can acclimate behind your dryer or in your walls. If it acclimates behind your dryer it could cause a fire by igniting from the dryer’s heat. The lint is often moist when it comes out of the dryer. If left to acclimate in a dark area, such as in the walls, it could develop mold. If your dryer’s venting system is detached at any point some of the lint may end up acclimating outside the vent. Once is piles up it, the most, wet lint may develop mold, causing a hazard for you and your family.